வாழ்க வளமுடன் அனைவரையும் அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறோம் வாழ்க வளமுடன்!



                                              - Gabriel Okara

1]  Answer the following questions:

     ① What do you associate with the title of the poem󠄀 󠄀󠄀
The speaker is going to say a fairy tale, something so far- fetched it might not even be believed.

    ② What is the relationship between the narrator and the listener󠄀 󠄀󠄀
The narrator is the father conversing to his son who is the listener.

    ③ What happens to the poet when he visits someone for the third time󠄀 󠄀󠄀
 When he visits someone for the third time, he will be an unwelcomed guest, they do not even open the door.

   ④ Pick out the expressions that indicate conflicting ideas.
The expressions used in the poem are:
                               1; ice – block- cold eyes.
                               2; laugh with their teeth.
                                3 ;cocktail face with portrait smile.
                                4;good – riddance.

         ⑤ How does the poet compare his face with dresses󠅜󠅜
Like dresses just like people who keep changing dresses to suit different situations and occasions.

        ⑥ What does the poet mean when he says ‘goodbye’󠅜 󠅜󠅜
The poet says that when he says ‘goodbye’ he has the expression of relief and being free from unwanted persons.

          ⑦What pleasantries does the poet use to fake cordiality󠅜 󠅜󠅜
The poet uses the pleasantries such as ‘feel at home’ and ‘come again’ to show the fake cordiality.

            ⑧What does he desire to unlearn and relearn󠅜 󠅜󠅜
            The poet desires to unlearn the fake and unreal things and relearn how to laugh and to be honest and sincere as he was once upon a time.

              ⑨What is the poet’s laugh reflected in the mirror 󠅜󠅜
            When the poet laughed before the mirror it reflected like the snake’s fangs, showing bare teeth without any expression.

             ⑩ What does the poet long for 󠅜󠅜
                                                   The poet longs to laugh like a child after remembering his past.

⑪ Mention the qualities of a child in the poem symbolizes.
                                             The qualities of the child in the poem symbolize honesty, genuineness,                       innocence, and trustworthiness.

B. Read the lines given below and answer the questions;

1.       ‘But now they only laugh with their teeth,
While their ice- block- cold eyes….’
a.       Who are ‘they’ 󠅜󠅜
    They are the people of modern time/ adults.
b.      Explain: ice- block- cold eyes.
     The eyes lacking the feeling of warmth or endearing expression.
c.       Identify the figure of speech used here.

2.       ‘Most of all, I want to relearn
How to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror
Shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs!
·         Why does the poet want to relearn how to laugh 󠅜󠅜
    The poet desires to become a child again and laugh genuinely. He wants to relearn how to laugh as he had done in his childhood days.
·         Whom does the poet want to relearn from 󠅜󠅜
The poet wants to relearn from his son.
·         Mention the figure of speech used here.

                                       C] Explain the following lines with reference to the context.[ERC]
                                          1. Once upon a time, son
                                                They used to laugh with their hearts:
  POEM: Once upon a time
    POET :Gabriel Okara
CONTEXT :Here, the poet says how people were once upon a time with
                                                                      honesty and sincerity.
Explanation: The poet says that people used to be genuine when they laugh
                                                                    and the honesty would be reflected in their eyes.

2.There will be no thrice.
POEM: Once upon a time
POET: Gabriel okara
CONTEXT: Here the poet says how people were once upon a time with honesty and sincerity.
  EXPLANATION: The poets feeling is when he visits a person third time, he would be
                                                                   treated as an unwelcomed guest at their doorstep.

 3.I have learned to wear my faces
    Like dresses….
 POEM: Once upon a time
POET: Gabriel okara
  CONTEXT: Here the poet says how people were once upon a time with honesty and sincerity.
EXPLANATION: The poet says that he has learnt to wear many faces like dresses  Just like people keep changing dresses to suit different occasions
and situations.

4.I want to be what I used to be.
  POEM: Once upon a time
 POET: Gabriel okara
CONTEXT: Here the poet says how people were once upon a time with honesty and sincerity.
 EXPLANATION: The poet wants to be as he was once upon a time. He wishes to
                                                                  unlearn the unreal things. He wishes to be genuine.


click here  UNIT 1. PROSE. The portrait of a lady